I can't believe it's day 10 already. I went to Wild Oats to get some supplies to make organic raw veggie soup. I also found out that because I'm a vegetarian I don't need to drink orange juice for 2 days before I eat soup. I did buy some organic orange juice though. I'm excited to drink it.
I haven't had a lot to drink today. In fact, I haven't had nearly enough to drink. My roommate is doing this with me. She constantly talks about food. Or she will just list off things she wants to eat. I'm still not sure why she does this to herself. I try and laugh it off, but sometimes it sounds really good.
- Veritas
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The Master Cleanse; Day 10
Posted by
11:09 AM
Monday, December 3, 2007
The Master Cleanse; Day 9
Sweet Sunday. I love sitting around, playing some xbox and watching some movies. I'm getting very excited to eat some veggie soup. Tomorrow I get to start drinking organic orange juice. I feel really clean and it's a nice feeling.
There's not much else to report. I still get cravings for unhealthy food.
- Veritas
Posted by
10:42 AM
Sunday, December 2, 2007
The Master Cleanse; Day 8
Holy hell. It snowed so much last night. It snowed at least 10 inches.
I'm feeling pretty good. I keep having dreams about unhealthy food. I read somewhere that those foods you dream about while on the cleanse, you should stay away from afterwards. I had a dream I was eating a hamburger. I'm a vegetarian so no worries there.
Here are some pics I took of my backyard.
God damn gorgeous.
Posted by
3:15 PM
Saturday, December 1, 2007
The Master Cleanse; Day 7
Today I was in a weird mood. I was hungry because I didn't feel like drinking anything. I had to make myself drink the 100 oz of lemonade.
It has been snowing for a while now. There's probably 4 inches. It is supposed to keep snowing all night. Too bad I don't ski or snowboard.
I'm down 11 lbs. Not much else has changed.
- Veritas
Posted by
12:04 PM
Friday, November 30, 2007
The Master Cleanse; Day 6
Today was a pretty good day. I wasn't tired at all. The person who sits next to me at work was eating pizza today. I couldn't have cared less. Although I miss the taste, I don't want to eat like that anymore. I hate the feeling after you've eaten something that greasy and fattening.
I ran out of supplies to I headed over to Wild Oats after work. While I was there I ran into a couple of people buying their supplies for the cleanse. By the time I got to the lemons, they were almost gone. I grabbed the rest of them and headed over to the maple syrup. Gone. It seems that everyone is now doing the cleanse. I thought I was doing it at the perfect time, right before Christmas and New Years. I was wrong.
- Veritas
Posted by
8:13 AM
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
The Master Cleanse; Day 5
Not quite as tired today as I was yesterday. I actually got a little bit of sleep. Whoever is reheating their old, rotten, foul fish must hate everyone. Today was the second day in a row. It's not just the smell of fish either. I like fish. Their fish is decaying.
Seeing pictures or commercials for food is just torture right now. Pizza is what I desire most while cleansing. I also ran across this today. That makes me a little sick. During this process it makes you feel really healthy. I can't even imagine eating anything like that anymore.
5 days down.
- Veritas
Posted by
11:37 AM
The Master Cleanse; Day 4
Today I have no energy, at all. I was on the verge of falling asleep all day at work. Someone at work had some fish today for lunch. I'm going to try and ban fish from my place of work. It was God awful. It didn't even smell like good fish, it smelled rotten. This lingered around the entire (200K square feet) building for hours.
Hungry? Today has been the hardest so far. Good job I don't have any food at home.
Hopefully tomorrow is better. I need some sleep.
- Veritas
Posted by
9:12 AM
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
The Master Cleanse; Day 3
Day 3 is done! Much easier than the first time. We had to go restock our supplies today. We went to Wild Oats to shop. The food there smelled so damn good, but I didn't want to eat any of it. I'm a little low on energy, but that's expected.
I'm trying to follow the guidelines as close as possible, which means no pills of any sort. I have insomnia and I can't take anything for it. This means endless ours of staring at a television (I rarely watch live television, it's mostly shows I have on my computer). It's starting to get to me, I am so tired today. I'm slowly becoming...Tyler Durden.
- Veritas
Posted by
10:07 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Master Cleanse; Day 2
Today was not as bad as I was expecting. The first time doing the cleanse, the second day was really hard. I had some hunger pangs around dinner time, but nothing too intense.
Tomorrow I will start really detoxing. There are some fun symptoms like; cravings, tiredness, irritability, physical aches, pains, nausea, vomiting, burning eliminations.
Not much else to report.
- Veritas
Posted by
10:14 AM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
The Master Cleanse
Today I started The Master Cleanse, again. For 10 days (at least, I may go longer) I cannot eat anything...at all. Let me break it down:
Night before: Laxative tea
Morning: Saline solution (2 tbs sea salt and 32 oz water)
Day: 100 oz Lemonade (8 oz water/2 tbs organic grade B maple syrup/2 tbs freshly squeezed organic lemon juice)
Night: Laxative tea
Yeah. Sounds like a blasty blast, eh?
I'll update this daily.
- Veritas
Posted by
1:29 PM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
My Boss, David Brent.
After watching The Office, I've noticed many similarities between the Regional Manager of Wernham Hogg and my very own Director of Commissions. We will call him Ron for this blog's sake. There are some distinctive differences, but they are so small in number there is no reason to share.
The similarities are astonishing; from the pear shaped body, to the goatee. They are even in the same age bracket; thirty ni....yeah thirties. A coworker and I often reference David's infamous dance after hearing Ron say something unintelligent. I will give him credit for at least trying to fool us into thinking he's a hard-working, caring manager.
Ron is the same way with; guns, managing (McDonald's to be more specific), or anything you ask him about as David is with; Music, comedy and being an entertainer. Often times during meeting he will make reference to his "shit kicking boots." A pair of old, dirty cowboy boots. "These boots used to be white," is also heard often. The irony is he never actually accomplishes a damn thing.
I'm called into his office several times throughout the week to; help him with his iPod, download spider solitaire, or anything else to distract him from his actual work. Many promises made, none of them ever kept. Perhaps this is a contributing factor to my lack of motivation to do well here.
P.S. Be sure to click on the Title of this blog. Good times. Best times.
Posted by
11:45 AM
Monday, July 16, 2007
New look
Staring at monitors all day, everyday has ruined my eyes. 5 years ago at my last eye exam I had 20/18 vision (this is better than 20/20 for those of you who aren't familiar with how they score it). A few weeks ago I decided that it was time for another exam. Turns out over the last couple years my vision has gone to hell. The doctor told me I have 20/35...crushed my heart a bit when those words made their way to my brain. I ordered the prescription and pick out the frames. The 4-5 day time frame they gave me turned into 15 days. Not to worry, they were worth the wait.
I decided on the typical "Emo" or "Indie" style as they were the best fit for my facial structure. I like them, and I guess that's all that really matters. I almost went with some Ladies Frames. Now that I have them, I'm glad I didn't. I was thinking they were going to be "reading" glasses or just something I wore while working. I'm thinking they are going to be an all day everyday kind of glasses.
*we'll say that we've escaped*
Posted by
12:13 PM
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
what is there left to do when you've realized this place doesn't matter. rich and famous or dirt poor. doesn't matter in the end. spend your life learning and gathering knowledge. is it coming with me. these things i can't get out of my head.
How long have I been writing this. How many times have I deleted everything.
Posted by
11:42 AM